Welcome to the Dimselab, the maker and tinker space at Zealand in Roskilde.
This site will document both research and student projects and technologies that we use.
IOT og maker space på Zealand, Roskilde
Welcome to the Dimselab, the maker and tinker space at Zealand in Roskilde.
This site will document both research and student projects and technologies that we use.
Dimselab er et maker space primært med adgang for studerende ved datamatiker- og webudviklingsuddannelserne ved Zealand – Sjællands Erhvervsakademi i Roskilde
Dimselab is a maker and tinker space at Zealand in Roskilde. It is open primarily for faculty and students at Computer Science, Roskilde.
This site will document both research and student projects and technologies that we use.
Contact Michael Hammel (MiHa) for more information.
Eyetracking – often referred to as a “holy grail” of “x experience testing” – is generally known to be a very expensive, cumbersome and, generally, a specialist’s task. It is. But sometimes “less” is also okay, and if you can accept the limitations the “holy grail” is not a mirage in the distance, but reality. …
IOT mandatory assignment By Allan Nielsen & Mads Veelsgaard Nielsen Vores problemstilling er – Kan vi sende kommandoer fra en computer til vores Rapiro og fjernstyre den. Idéer Webservice Vores første idé var at vi havde muligheden for at kontrollere flere robotter igennem internet vha. en webservice. Vi havde ikke nok viden til at …
What your tried the goal of your experiment? We came up with an idea of making a small “security system” which is based in to 3 different modules. The main one is the camera and the other two are motion detector and the ultrasonic module. So the idea of this combination of modules and sensors …
Michael Hammel (MiHa), or other Computer Science staff at Zealand, Roskilde